Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Best friends bday!

20. Drive down to Valdosta to see my best friend! Me and Phillip drove down to Valdosta to see my beautiful best friend for her 21st birthday! We had a blast and crossed another thing off of the list! WOO!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm getting not so good at keeping up with my list but HERE! :D

44* Document my list, well I'm doing it so I decided this counts now.
63* Buy a nice pair of shoes. The question is, do you know who I am? :D I buy shoes like they are going out of style but I got a super cute pair from Rue 21 for 10 dollaaasss! holla!
71* Make a bird feeder. I assembled one and put bird seed in it. That counts!
77* Jump in a puddle. Luckily when I go to school, it rains about half the time I'm down there in Atlanta. And fortunately, since the drains don't work well, I end up jumping in puddles all the flippin' time
85* Get a new phone. Yeah, I got a blackberry for 15 bucks, so what if it is from wal*mart ? It rocks
91*Go rock climbing. GA state has a freaking awesome rock wall that i near died climbing the other day with Preeti, and Preeti laughed the whole time at my anxiety. Great friend!
So yay! the list is updated! stay posted wit'it!

Friday, April 9, 2010

#60 & #79 WOoOHOoO!

So today, a bunch of people went up to collins hill park and we played a little Vball :) I haven't played in like years so I sucked this time, but ohhh Don'Tcha worry, I'll be practicing. Either way, I was really happy to play even though I lost. (and I'm terribly sore loser) #60 DoNe!
And as for the boat, even though we never took it out, I was on a boat for a friends birthay up at lake lanier :) yay!

Monday, March 22, 2010

WhOoPS! let me catch you up a bit!

For Spring Break this year, I went to Sarasota FL. to see my grandmother but also went to Miami to hangout with my cousin! I got to cross off a bunch of things on my list on this date including the following:
#6 Go salsa dancing
#21 Dance on top of a bar
#49 Sleep by the beach
#65 Buy something nice for someone randomly..
We went to a club called Martini's (which was so much fun by the way, and I unfortunately got white girl wasted so.. that was embarrassing considering the fact that I met all of my cousin's friends down there and ended up "actin' a fool" and ended the night by getting rid of all my toxins ;) BUT all was forgiven and it made for a fun night & great trip.. & while I was down there I pretty much bought something neat for every one in the family so that takes care of 65. Not to mention we literally were like next to the water which enables me to cross off #49! YAY go me! What a productive week.
Following all this good 'ole spring break adventure, I proceeded to go home & do even more goodies.
#29 Do my own laundry.. DONE considering the fact that I had lots to wash after SB.
#36 buy an expensive bikini.. HAHA well, it wasn't too much & it was from target. HOWEVER, when you are broke, spending money on a bikini can become expensive, catch my drift?
and finally..
#4 Go somewhere I've never gone before.
Me and the madre tried out a new little Cuban restaurant in L'ville (right by the house) called Papi's and man, was the food LEGIT! It was so good and we ate Cuban sandwiches, yuca frita, croquetas, y para postre: 3 leches. Man oh man, I would recommend it to anybody! So yep sorry for this whole cluster, but now you know what my life has been like for the month of March.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oh, Black Betty! #51

Today was Black Betty's first car wash with me. It was freezing cold, however she was just way too dirty, so I had to wash her. We went to a quarter wash where they give you all the materials and y you insert money for the amount of time you get to wash your vehicle! Probably never doing that again because my sessions kept getting cut off in mid-wash. CAN WE SAY ANNOYING?! and if so so freakin' cold.We might be lucky if I end up not loosing all of my flanges due to frost bite. HA. PS. No one ever told me that black cars show the most when dirty! Thanks for the FYI people. But today has been the warmest day in a while & I can't help but smile, probably couldn't smack the smile off of my face if you tried :D Have a GrEaT DaY!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

mi amOr --NUmErO 95

I don't want to jinX anything, but we will see where this one goes. :) Valentine.. muahaha ;)

Real world? hahaha #73

So I definitely tried to get on the reality show real world, as embarrassed as I am about it, it had to be done! My next attempt will be to try to get on next season's Jersey shore. At least I can fist pump the night away. HA. Well 73, you are now off my list :]

Sunday, February 28, 2010

#88 Black betty :]

Since my car got totaled back in January, I waited a full two months to get everything worked out with insurance companies and to FINALLY get my money so I could get a new car! I ended up with another jeep :] haha it is a 2006 jeep grand cherokee laredo ((just like my last one but way newwerrr)) and I am so in love with this car. Since Mary Jane ((my other jeep)) died, I knew I wanted another one & that is exactly what I got !! Her name is black betty, and best believe i'll be taking REALLY good care of this car since I will be making the payments. hahaha $= new appreciation for

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LooKin' GaNgStA #23

Since my car has become a total loss, my maja and I went to go look at cars and I got to test drive the cutest little KIA in the worlddddddd. I didn't get it but it was still something to mark off of my list. & Yes I looked extremely GANGSTA being black on black. So go me, I test drove a new car... #23 off the list!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


For Valentines day this year, I decided not only to write 1 Valentine card, but 38 :0) I pretty much wrote one for everyone that I think is pretty special in my life so BOOYAH! HaPpY VaLeNtInE'S dAy EvErYoNe! P.S. if you were wondering what kind they were- it was definitely Happy bunny because everyone knows I am a total smart*ss :) yay!

68 yeah, I did it.

I guess I thought taking biological psychology would be a good idea, however, I think I made this decision without actually thinking it through. We had our first exam on Tuesday and I literally studied for 8 hours. Since our class is seriously jam-packed, it would have been super easy to just peep on the person's paper right next to mine HOWEVER! I did not do such things. I was kind of upset though because I ended up making an 80 on it, and I think I deserved better but it still feels good that I had the opportunity to cheat and I didn't. So #68 is COMPLETE! woOoHoOo go me! ((study for test, NO CHEATING!))

illy crocker ;) #42

SO I finally have created my very own baked cookies from scratch. GO ME! haha, however there was much fighting and arguing in the kitchens because the maja thinks I would burn the house down (but I really think she was just jealous because my cookies came out WAY cuter than hers, it's not my fault. I got it like that ;) but anyways, probably won't make them again for awhile because they are EXTREMELY tedious, however they were in the name of St. Valentine so, HaPpY VaLeNtInEs DaY!

Friday, February 5, 2010

90: # 90 Take a trip away from the house for at least 5 days

For homecoming week I stayed with my best friend at school Preeti Gulve in downtown ATL (hoe) for 6 days! This was a much needed vacation and we went to basketball games, we went to a carnival, played with Zach Jones, smoked hookah, and dance partied all week! We made friendship bracelets and got free beta fishes. Mine beta's name is Guppy and Preeti's is Mojito. We had quite an adventure and it was such a breath of fresh air to get away from the house! Now back to reality (boo) but it will happen again YAY! love illy.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

#82, yuck.

Well the whole reason behind me not liking french toast is hard to track back BUT I just don't like it. This morning however, my mother I guess wants me to starve for breakfast because she made french toast. So against my will, I was forced to eat her food. I will say howeverrrr she did a lovely job and even though I will never eat french toast again, this last time wasn't so horrible.. Thanks, Mom!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

OoO lala, #15

So I am going to keep NAME out of the post since #15 was to go out with a stranger! But, what a lovely little get together going to the movies with INSERT NAME HERE going to go see Youth In Revolt (which was actually a little weird and not as funny as I thought) but the company could not have been better. I hope to go out with INSERT NAME HERE again because I did have a lot of fun and laughed a lot which is something very important to me. So YAY :) It was a successful date just for you to know.

#55 GoOd ByE!

So, let me start off by saying this week has been really incredible/ridiculous at the same time! Thursday I found out that I made homecoming court for GSU (which is EXTREMELY exciting) yay! So Thursday was phenomenal!

Then Saturday rolls around and I was minding my OWN freaking business and trying to go to the gym and on the way some IDIOT hit my car and fled the scene. I know what you're thinking, I did NOT think people were stupid enough to do that, but he did so it pretty much ruined my day. Not to mention the fact that I couldn't work out pretty much ticked me off. BUT ANYWAY, some couple chased his car down 85 and got his license plate number and I had 2 witnesses for when the cops came so THANK YOU LORD FOR A GOOD SEMARITAN and thank God for looking out! Hopefully they find that flamer. Back to my story though..

So I was having a bad day and then my friend Nate came over to look at the damages at my car, which pretty much blew. However, after that we went to Hooters (the best established restaurant ever created ;) ) and then went to go see Jason Michael Carroll at WILD BILLS! that was super fun cause I got to see him like really up close so yay! Then obviously after concerts, Wild Bills turns into a club so this is how I got my # 55 out of the way! I danced with the funniest drunk guy that was imitating the "pants on the ground"guy from American Idol earlier this week, which pretty much made my night. It was a good laugh and it really made my day, especially after the entire car situation happened! So thank you Nate!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

#1 & #96

SoOo today, January 9,2010 I went and got my hair "did" at the process. I got blonde highlights and red lowlights(JUST IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING). It was awesome and really cheap and they taught me how to tease my hair, so I will post a picture of that when I can do it successfully on my own #96 DOWN!

After getting my hair done, my momma took me to Bruster's and she bought me a banana split for my birthday! We did take a picture of this but then I saw it and refused to look like a pig on the internet so, you'll just have to take my word on it! By the way, Bruster's banana splits are prettyyyy awesomeeee! yay

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

100 ! oh lawdy

So if you didn't already know, #100 is to be more open minded. Well for my birthday some of my best friends: Johan, Emily, Jackie, Matt, Tony and Derick decided to take me to a strip club. Haha! Although I'm not going to lie, I was super excited because I have never been before but I still thinks this qualifies as being having to be open minded. I want to thank them for the amazing time we had because I won't ever forget it. Also, I have gained a whole new appreciation for strippers and their abilities to do some pretty crazy tricks (cause lord knows I could never do it)! So thank you for the amazing present *cough a table dance, HAHA* and for a new experience, and a shout out from the perverted DJ. It was one of the funniest surprises I have EVER had. And also because I use to look down on that profession but in the end they're still people too just trying to make a living and though they look like they don't want to do it they sure put on a fun show for the rest of us ! hahaha Happy Birthday to me!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

# 17, 47, 89 better get it over with..

So, these things are probably the hardest to write about so I would rather get it out of the way..
The whole entire story with the break up is a pretty personal one so if you truly want to know what happened, I am ready to tell WHOEVER wants to know (personally). As much as it would feel to be sweet revenge, I am still a decent person, which is more than I can say for some people >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I won't post the story all over the internet, lucky for certain people. So if you would love to know the story behind the break up you can call me or e-mail me and I would be more than happy to share my story, especially if it can help others. (17)

As for forgiving.. I have finally been able to forgive the awful things that I have been through with the individual and even though everything has happened, I still hope the best for that particular person and I am finally able to let you go. After a lot of praying and soul searching, I have realized you were NEVER for me. And I hope one day you can confess what you did too,preferably to your current girlfriend cause she probably has the right to know. However, I do forgive you and I don't hate you. I hope you live a life without regrets (which will be pretty hard since you KNOW what you had and you KNOW what you did) but have a good life regaurdless!(47)

And finally, from now on I feel as if it is best to have absolutely no contact with this person. It is better that we live different lives and I am so thankful now. I am a much happier and better person now. And everyone knows "I look so good without you" :) Have a happy life and please do not try to contact me again (89)

I know I didn't go very thoroughly with this post, but it is probably better that way. My soul feels weightless with liberation being able to get things out in the open and being able to put it in the past! If you don't like it, I don't care :) This was for my benefit and it makes me EXTREMELY happy ! wooOoOoHoOoO

Monday, January 4, 2010


Today is one of the last days of my break before I go back to school, so I had absolutely nothing to do. I decided this would be a good opportunity to go buy my book over 300 pages to read. I started getting ready and then realized I could knock off another list item if I didn't wear makeup to the bookstore, so I didn't. Luckily, I didn't see anybody I recognized so that was nice, but I did take a picture for proof. And to top it all off, I got the book, The Lovely Bones because I saw the movie preview and that looked good so I hope this book is good!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

This would be THE LIST,

1: Eat a banana split 1*9*10 DONE!
2: Fly a kite 5*09*10 DONE!
3: Drive down to Florida 6*12*10 DONE!
4: Go somewhere I have never been before 3*21*10 DONE!
5: Make Sushi
6: Go Salsa dancing 3*12*10 DONE!
7: Get a new tattoo
8: Volunteer with something I am passionate about 5*20*10 DONE!
9: See a war movie *tropic thunder counts! DONE!
10: Sing for a group of people
11: Lose 10 lbs and keep it off
12: Do another bikini contest
13: Join a club at school 1*30*10 DONE! (homecoming counted)
14: Show affection to somebody close to me 3*4*10 DoNe.. my punkin ;)
15: Go on a date with a stranger 1*15*10 DONE!
16: Read a book over 300 pages
17: Let people know the true story about me and *enny 1*5*10 DONE!
18: Go to church at least 3 times in a month Feb/March, DONE!
19: Take my sister out to dinner (her choice) 5*21*10 DONE!
20: Drive down to Valdosta to see my best friend
21: Dance on top of a bar 3*12*10 DONE!
22: Get my family together to see my grandmother
23: Test drive a new car 2*20*10 DONE!
24: Change my own oil 6*12*10 DONE!
25: Hangout with a Yank 3*24*10 DONE!
26: Unhook my own fish when I go fishing
27: Slap someone being mean 2*19*10 DONE!
28: Confront someone when they are doing wrong 2*20*10 DONE!
29: Do my own laundry, instead of everyone else's 3*22*10 DONE!
30: Go on a picnic
31: SKYDIVE !!!!!
32: Go to a zoo
33: Trust someone new 1*1*10 DONE! (pweeti !)
34: Kiss a complete stranger 1*1*10 DONE !
35: paint a picture of something beautiful
36: Buy an expensive bikini 3*21*10 DONE!
37: Do a neat craft 7*1*10 DONE!
38: Make a new scrap book
39: Smile at someone working hard 2*16*10 DONE! (all the beautiful ladies I work with)
40: Go bun jee jumping
41: Get at least a 2 pack
42: Bake home made cookies 2*13*10 DONE!
43: Get in touch with someone from my past DONE! (TIFFANY AKINS :)
44: Document my list DOIN' IT!
45: Make a Basket for someone
46: Write a Valentine card to someone special 2*10*10
47: Forgive my enemy 1*5*10 DONE!
48: Go camping 6*05*10 DONE!
49: Sleep by the beach 3*7*10-3*14*10 DONE!
50: Use my credit card
51: Wash my own car 3*6*10 DONE!
52: Play in the rain 6*13*10 DONE!
53: Do a new trick in the pool
54: Learn to do a new project on the Mac computer 2*8*10 (writing a successful paper on this stupid thing is hard enough)
55: Go clubbing 1*16*10 DONE!
56: Ride a horse
57: Take a shot of jagermeister 1*1*10 DONE!
58: Get a spray tan
59: Sleep on a hammock in the sun
60: play volleyball 4*9*10 DONE!
61: Dress like a girl from Jersey shore for a whole day * GUIDETTE
62: Go star gazing
63: buy a nice pair of shoes 4*23*10 DONE!
64: Work at least 2 days a week 2*21*10 DONE!
65: Buy something nice for someone randomly 3*8*10 DONE!
66: Apprentice at a dentist office
67: Get serious about school
68: Study for a test, no cheating! 2*3*10 DONE!
69: Sew a pillow
70: Get a funny shirt
71: Make a bird feeder 4*20*10 DoNE!
72: Ride Acrophobia
73: Try to get on a reality show 3*1*10 DONE!
74: Run a 3k or 5k road race
75: Create my own "special" drink
76: Spend quality time with baby Alexa 1*10*10
77: Jump in a puddle 4*1*10 DONE
78: Get a new piercing
79: Go on a boat 3*02*10 DONE!
80: Make a connection with someone new 3*1*10 DONE
81: Eat a whole bowl of grits. EW
82: Attempt to eat french toast 1*23*10 DONE!
83: Go out in public without makeup (EXCLUDING THE GYM) 1*4*10 DONE!
84: Babysit for Free
85: Get a new phone 4*20*10
86: Learn how to make an article of clothing
87: go skinny dipping! OW! 5*4*10 DONE!
88: Fall in love with someTHING new 2*27*10 DONE!
89: Don't talk/keep in contact with certain people 1*5*10 DONE!
90: Take a trip away from the house for at least 5 days 2*5*10 DONE!
91: Go rock climbing 4*29*10
92: Make A's and B's both semesters
93: Be something silly for Halloween this year
94: Get my teeth whitened
95: Let someone new in my heart 2*14*10 DONE!
96: Change my hairstyle 1*9*10 DONE!
97: Do something really dorky (yes, worse than I already am)
98: Go a week without watching T.V.
99: Get on Facebook less. :(

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Way to start off the new year! #34 & 57

Well, of course as you all may know, I started my very own type of "bucket list," but will use it as my resolution list for 2010.

For New Year's Eve, I went down to Valdosta, Ga to bring in the new year with my best friend in the entire year. We went down to a bar, Mulligans, and brought in the new year with style. Haha well this is where I completed list # 34- kiss a complete stranger (to bring the new year of course, so that makes it ok) and #57 take a shot of jagermiester (ugh, I tried to enjoy it but, it is just NOT for me!) Whatever went on after the jager shots, I apologize in advance, but I remember having fun, so I guess that is all that matters! pictures and videos are going to be posted soon! Haha, these were just 2 down n 98 to go with 364 days to complete it! I hope you enjoy my journey with me!!