Monday, March 22, 2010

WhOoPS! let me catch you up a bit!

For Spring Break this year, I went to Sarasota FL. to see my grandmother but also went to Miami to hangout with my cousin! I got to cross off a bunch of things on my list on this date including the following:
#6 Go salsa dancing
#21 Dance on top of a bar
#49 Sleep by the beach
#65 Buy something nice for someone randomly..
We went to a club called Martini's (which was so much fun by the way, and I unfortunately got white girl wasted so.. that was embarrassing considering the fact that I met all of my cousin's friends down there and ended up "actin' a fool" and ended the night by getting rid of all my toxins ;) BUT all was forgiven and it made for a fun night & great trip.. & while I was down there I pretty much bought something neat for every one in the family so that takes care of 65. Not to mention we literally were like next to the water which enables me to cross off #49! YAY go me! What a productive week.
Following all this good 'ole spring break adventure, I proceeded to go home & do even more goodies.
#29 Do my own laundry.. DONE considering the fact that I had lots to wash after SB.
#36 buy an expensive bikini.. HAHA well, it wasn't too much & it was from target. HOWEVER, when you are broke, spending money on a bikini can become expensive, catch my drift?
and finally..
#4 Go somewhere I've never gone before.
Me and the madre tried out a new little Cuban restaurant in L'ville (right by the house) called Papi's and man, was the food LEGIT! It was so good and we ate Cuban sandwiches, yuca frita, croquetas, y para postre: 3 leches. Man oh man, I would recommend it to anybody! So yep sorry for this whole cluster, but now you know what my life has been like for the month of March.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oh, Black Betty! #51

Today was Black Betty's first car wash with me. It was freezing cold, however she was just way too dirty, so I had to wash her. We went to a quarter wash where they give you all the materials and y you insert money for the amount of time you get to wash your vehicle! Probably never doing that again because my sessions kept getting cut off in mid-wash. CAN WE SAY ANNOYING?! and if so so freakin' cold.We might be lucky if I end up not loosing all of my flanges due to frost bite. HA. PS. No one ever told me that black cars show the most when dirty! Thanks for the FYI people. But today has been the warmest day in a while & I can't help but smile, probably couldn't smack the smile off of my face if you tried :D Have a GrEaT DaY!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

mi amOr --NUmErO 95

I don't want to jinX anything, but we will see where this one goes. :) Valentine.. muahaha ;)

Real world? hahaha #73

So I definitely tried to get on the reality show real world, as embarrassed as I am about it, it had to be done! My next attempt will be to try to get on next season's Jersey shore. At least I can fist pump the night away. HA. Well 73, you are now off my list :]