Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm getting not so good at keeping up with my list but HERE! :D

44* Document my list, well I'm doing it so I decided this counts now.
63* Buy a nice pair of shoes. The question is, do you know who I am? :D I buy shoes like they are going out of style but I got a super cute pair from Rue 21 for 10 dollaaasss! holla!
71* Make a bird feeder. I assembled one and put bird seed in it. That counts!
77* Jump in a puddle. Luckily when I go to school, it rains about half the time I'm down there in Atlanta. And fortunately, since the drains don't work well, I end up jumping in puddles all the flippin' time
85* Get a new phone. Yeah, I got a blackberry for 15 bucks, so what if it is from wal*mart ? It rocks
91*Go rock climbing. GA state has a freaking awesome rock wall that i near died climbing the other day with Preeti, and Preeti laughed the whole time at my anxiety. Great friend!
So yay! the list is updated! stay posted wit'it!